Hi, I’m Parth.

I’m a Model-Based Design Engineer based in Bangkok, Thailand.


Always driven to find out what captivated my interests so profoundly such that I could pursue it for a long time to come, I was fortunate to arrive to that realization during the summer of my third year at university.

Whilst preparing for regional and international robotics competitions, I was also interning at Daimler, attempting to improve the efficiency of the assembly line of Mercedes Benz Buses. Involved on the factory floor for months, learning how things are designed and implemented in internal combustion engine (ICE) automobiles, I knew this industry was my calling.

It reminded me of the public red buses running back home in Bangkok, and the ache I feel every time I watch black smoke being exhaled out of them. Since then, I’ve wanted to spend my time reducing the use of ICEs by hybridizing and electrifying the automotive sector.

After receiving my BEng in Mechanical Engineering in 2020, I opted to specialize in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Design & Analysis. I’ve worked on several independent projects demonstrating the design, modelling, and simulation of various kinds of electric vehicles and am absolutely thrilled for an opportunity to apply my learnings for the industry.